



To give notice that the Cubert Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is completed for consultation and review.

It is published, together with supporting documents, in the form of a Design Code and Landscape Character Assessment, on the NDP website https://www.cubertndp.co.uk/


People who are interested in the subject but do not have immediate access to the internet and cannot achieve access via family or friends may utilise the services of Cornwall Libraries.

Alternatively, queries can be sent by post to:

Clerk to the Parish Council

Pengoon, Treguth Close,

Holywell Bay. TR8 5DD


Over and above this, the NDP Steering Group members with be holding an exhibition/Q&A event in the Beacon of Light Community Church building on Saturday 12th October 2024 between 10.00am and 4.00pm.

As with the last event. the proposed policies, aims and objectives together with the rational that led to them, will be on display.


Parish Councillor needed!

Would you like to help make a difference within the Parish of Cubert?

Do you have some spare time that you are willing to share?

Cubert Parish Council currently has a vacancy for two Parish Councillors. If you are

interested in becoming a Member of the Parish Council then please write to the

Clerk at the address shown below, stating why you are interested in becoming a

Parish Councillor and what qualities you feel you could bring to the Council.


To be eligible:

(a) you have to be a British subject or Irish citizen,

(b) you must be 18 years of age, and

(c) either in the list of electors for Cubert Parish or have during the whole

     of the preceding twelve months

     (i) occupied land as owner or tenant in it, or

     (ii) had a principal place of work there, or

     (iii) resided in or within three miles of it.


The Clerk should receive applications no later than Monday 18th November 2024 for

consideration at the Parish Council Meeting scheduled for Wednesday 20th November 2024. Applicants will be considered by the current Membership, and the decision made by ballot vote. The successful candidate will thereafter be co-opted onto the Parish Council.


If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk:


Mr.David Hawken


Treguth Close

Holywell Bay



01637 830947




Cubert Parish COUNCIL

 Information site. -

Cubert Parish lies on the north coast of Cornwall, five miles west of Newquay. The Parish is the northernmost parish of the former district of Carrick.

Cubert is the main village of the Parish but there are several hamlets, the largest being:


With a population of over 1200, Cubert has its own post office stores,  Bakers, seasonal store (at Holywell), fish and chip shop (seasonal), two restaurant as well as three pubs/restaurants within the Parish area.

Cubert village has a primary school and a nursery school, village hall and playing fields.

St.Cubert Parish Church dates from saxon times.

There is a Methodist Church dating from 1848 which followed the first Methodist Chapel of 1765.



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