
Welcome to the website of the

Pilton, Stoke Doyle and Wadenhoe

Parish Council

We hope this website will provide a regular useful source of information for residents and visitors wishing to learn more about our three villages,  and about the work of the Pilton, Stoke Doyle and Wadenhoe Parish Council.


Meetings are usually held on the second Monday every two months from January onwards at Wadenhoe Village Hall. Meetings for 2024/2025 will be:- 
Tuesday 9 July 2024
Monday 9 September 2024
Monday 11 November 2024
Monday 6 January 2025
Monday 10 March 2025
Monday 12 May 2025.

The meetings start at 7pm and begin with a public forum. All are welcome.

Next Meeting: See Diary.


The agenda is written and posted on the notice board in each village at least 3 days in advance of any forthcoming meeting.

The agenda is also available to view on this website.


The minutes of recent meetings are available for viewing on the notice board in each village or on the 'Minutes' page of this website and will be 'Draft' until agreed at the following meeting.

How to contact the Parish Council Clerk

Jonathan Ward-Langman

(from 1st June 2024)

Email: psdw.parish@gmail.com

or use the 'Enquiries/Feedback' page on this website.



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